Radio by Artists is a series of programs of works for radio conceived by artists during a period of residence, recorded from 2012 to 2017 between Berlin and Brussels.
YETI Le 7 juillet 2017, moi-meme accompagne’ du Docteur Kawai, nous parcourrions de nos voix cette partie du monde ou la legende scientifique veut y cacher le yeti cosmique. C’est un pays vaste ou les avventuriers s’osent et s’abiment depuis sa decouverte. Ils n’y laissent cependant pas leur peau puisque leur peau n’a pas acces […]
Plan Canal […] Nelle culture occidentali la città è stata a lungo immaginata come spazio dell’integrazione sociale e culturale. Luogo sicuro, protetto dalla violenza della natura e degli uomini, produttore di nuove identità, sede privilegiata di ogni innovazione tecnica e scientifica, culturale e istituzionale. Nella città occidentale ricchi e poveri si sono da sempre incontrati […]
Ici c’est l’Europe. L’Europe à Bruxelles. Vegan 2000 apprend l’euro en Europe. Viens apprendre l’euro d’Europe avec nous et avec les crieurs du marché et aussi avec des ordinateurs. Bientôt les ordinateurs seront au chômage ou ils en auront marre de travailler au bureau. Ils iront crier sur les marchés. Et où iront les crieurs ? […]
EL ENCUENTRO Une série des rencontres, une série d’êtres, des personnes, des moments. Tans des choses qui apparaissent sur le chemin et qu’on décide d’aller à la rencontre ou pas. Dans la rencontre, il y a une part de renouveau, de fraicheur, mais aussi une part d’inconnue, de mystère et de peur. La rencontre est […]
AREA DI SOSTA Per Radio Picnic Gianmaria Zanda ha lavorato a una puntata pilota per un programma di approfondimento riguardo la musica e il nostro quotidiano: Area di sosta. Il progetto è in collaborazione con lo speaker radiofonico Davide Canale. Esso si propone di affrontare una vasta varietà di tematiche attraverso il mezzo dell’intervista a […]
PASSAGE À BERNE 2° Dire… dire sans le dire, les “choses”, en les abordant et en durant dans le silence. Une patience qui cherche et une voix pour l’exprimer. Ainsi l’univers, le ton. La disposition était la suivante : dire, matin et soir, durant 30 minutes. Sans préparer le terrain, sans s’accrocher à une idée, en […]
SHOW Nous écoutons une pièce de spectacle et le public qui la regarde. Au fur et à mesure que le spectacle avance, les réactions en salle changent; le public s’énerve. La scène et le show se sont construits par un collage de sons provenant de la base de données collaborative Freesound. Laura Solari in residence […]
OCD That’s like that kind of game where children don’t step on the tile lines because they are afraid of bad luck. Others call the same game (OCD) obsessive-compulsive disorder. Valentina Pini & Micha Seidenberg in residence in Bruxelles between July 3th and July 12th 2016 length: 15’24 min language: english, no language tags: OCD, […]
NOTES FOR A EUROPEAN EPIC is a radio-journey through time and space that explores the multi-dimensions of the European concept and reality, through whispered stories, imagined destiny, and unforgettable musical hits. A historic echo recorded on tape that will perhaps one day testify the birth and decline of the European utopia. Fiction and reality are […]
En juin 2015 invité à la BIG convention de la cassette à l’initiative de Paola Carbone par Lieven Marten Moana, je fais la lecture du long poème symphonique de Yannis Ritsos La marche de l’océan. Il vient d’être traduit en français et je l’ai découvert un peu par hasard lors d’un voyage. Chaleur torride dans […]
GROENZONE Soundscape Soigne Forest, Brussels Questioning the role of nature in the city Nature/Forest controlled by man, cut by a motorway and overflown by the constant noisy dance of planes Paradoxical audio environment beetween nature and urbanism The birds communication vs major human communication routes Gap beetween the sense of sight and hearing Agathe Max […]
THE AGE OF THE REINDEER Grr and Arr said a dinosaur was seen very clearly in the sun of the quarry on Sunday. It was always the same story when you went to the village. You wanted to go shopping but you ended up in a confusing and convulsive discussion about threat, terror and security. […]
ÉMISSION Dans cette performance improvisée, Marius Schaffter mène un combat impitoyable et schizophrénique pour définir son projet radiophonique. Entre compositions électroniques, errances dans les musées et entretien en direct. Marius Schaffter in residence in Bruxelles between March 6th and March 14th 2016 length: 44’min language: french tags: sound investigation, improvisation, schizophrenic radio show
BLACK LODGE SONGS La Black Lodge est l’espace liminale par excellence. Celle-ci est entrée dans la culture des mass média par David Lynch qui en a fait une psychogéographique à Twin Peaks. A l’intérieur de la Black Lodge résident nos doubles maléfiques, personnages qui entrent en contact avec notre dimension par l’onirisme. Cette pièce sonore […]
UNE SEMAINE D’ARCHIVE STUDIO Live mix radio show a free-form audio collage Mixes are made live and spontaneously on the air from a variety of formats and equipment like drummachine, reel to reel tape, organ, bells, maxmsp, kaosspad, internet, siren, ufo, guitare and voice … Found sounds of many kinds from many sources put together […]
PHOBOPHONIE a collective noise research (trilingue) Sound-Artists & chercheurs quotidien Sylvie Dederichs und Marc Matter collected interviews and found-footage to produce this feature about Sounds, Bruits, Geräusche, that are annoying to people to the extent of phonic phobias. Be careful not to become phobic against this radio-collage itself after hearing it – there’s hardly any […]
ZAMZAMREC GRAFT RADIO PICNIC 4 cartes, 4 personnages, un bouquet de coquillages… Dans la grotte où tout résonne… Il a des flûtes, un dauphin, une clarinette… Il a des machines avec et sans épines… Voyage et improvisation, boutures musicales, qui donnent de nouveaux fruits – magiques ! Rencontre des âmes et des sons, pour une […]
CAPITAINE PRESENT Rameuter, compresser, déchiqueter, noyer, démultiplier, caricaturer (tout cela en même temps) les flux de pensées du quotidien, les névroses, les peurs, la nostalgie, le souvenir, la télé, la radio, le sport, le sexe voila ce que propose Capitaine Présent depuis 2004 en cinq épisodes dont un film. Dans les prémices de ce sixième […]
BRAIN CAST Have you already carried around a stupid pop song for hours with yourself in the head? Interesting for us sound creators, composers and musicians: The music in the head can also be created and transformed by pure thought. We can extract single instruments and sounds, zoom in and out acoustically, add and modulate […]
DIVAGATION quand je mange de la mortadelle je pense à toi Une errance sonore, dans le grand plat de spaghetti du cerveau, Une plongée dans la pensée; dans ce à quoi on a pensé en essayant de penser à comment fonctionnait la pensée. Bulb et Ripopée in residence in Bruxelles between June 4th and June […]
ÉPINARDS PEINARDS Vadrouille sonore pour un petit déjeuner de champion Vacarme ambiant, brouhaha, crissement, vrombissement, boucan et autre grésillements comme motif musical. Enregistrés, sélectionné, échantillonné et finement haché par Sofy Maladie in residence in Bruxelles between May 25th and June 2th 2015 length: 54’48 min language: french & english tags: fieldrecording, founded sound, music, spoken […]
WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE Passing streams, crossing but never merging. One is silent and discrete, the other would be more noisy and inconstant. Under the bridges of the city, a shelter, a break, a hidden place, some shade, an umbrella, some delay effects, a symbol, a place for talking, a place for nothings. Simple field […]
A POSSIBILITY (one of many) Source recordings were conducted in the basement at Radio Picnic headquarters in Brussels, among all the gear available, I chose to use, as I often do in my body of work, only the low tech gear I found there, such as : a broken 7’’ record player, a dusty cassette […]
MANTRA FOR HOUSEPLANTS Plants subjected to Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix didn’t survive. At the end of experiment, plants exposed to Ravi Shankar’s East Indian sitar lean toward the sound and grow more luxuriantly than the control plants, wrote Dorothy Retallak in The sound of music and plants (1973). So at breakfast we decide to […]
UNE DINETTE IMPARFAITE Faire la cuisine, mettre les petits plats dans les grands, mais en fait faire semblant. C’est la dinette, qui est parfaite quand rien ne manque. Mais si l’assiette en plastique rouge a disparu… Ici on fait semblant d’être un passeur de musique, mais il manque certains morceaux, certaines vieilles cassettes. Pourtant, beaucoup […]
MULTIPLES DES UNS C-DRIK present a mix of various field recordings made between january and june across asia. A sort of cinema for the ears made of various soundscapes taken in urban areas, transports, fields, parks, etc. C-DRIK is the founder of african and asian alternative database – experimental, noise and alternative electronic music from underrated continent […]
UNDER THE AHWACH MOON (sound-check study) one, two, one, two! this is my instrument, this is my sound. one, two, one, two, three! this is my space now. just making sure everything is fine, one more time, technique seems ok… one, two, three, check, check! let the music begin… under the ahwach moon! This piece […]
THE SOUND OF PUNCA Recalling Jealousy Party‘s twenty years long musical process in an instant composed one hour broadcast With the residency at Pic Nic Radio original founders members of Jealousy Party, Roberta WJM Andreucci and Mat Pogo, went through a process of retracing their own history as an almost twenty years musical project. After […]
DIVING DOWN THE MUD HOLE; A PIPE DREAM When going down the smelly picnic drain in an order to discover what’s stucking it since weeks, several hidden rooms are discovered, exotic and obscure, before returning the above world again. artist/kim-laugs In residence in Berlin between 1st and july 6th 2014 lenght: 30’47 language: english […]
RADIO ATLANTIDE Partiamo dal mare per limitare i confini. È principalmente il mare a disegnare la terra, a darle la sua forma, modellando i golfi, l’alto mare, gli stretti e parimenti gli istmi, le penisole e i capi. Nella letteratura antica il mare è il luogo enigmatico per eccellenza. Il grande abisso, questa distesa palpitante, […]
FOUILLE CLANDESTINE ELECTRONIQUE S’accaparer les pouvoirs de super-héros musicaux par l’exploration et l’extraction de matières sonores. Le magasin de musique vu comme un astroport. Plugin your headphone, drone and fly. Project in collaboration with johnny haway In residence in Berlin between 20th and may 27th 2014 lenght: 35’11 min language: français tags: music instrument recording, […]
TRANSPHONISCHE STÖME (TRANSPHONIC STREAMS) There is a strangely indiscernible and not audible world occupying the same space as we do. technical means are necessary to discover this space in the space, some call it also aether, some see in it the fifth element. with photographic film we can make it visible and a radio set […]
PERMANENT VACANCIES Ritual radio show influenced by easter, bells, birds, founded objects and their sound. In residence in Berlin between 15th and april 23th 2014 lenght: 62′ min language: french tags: field recording, founded object, installation, ritual
APPELEZ-MOI AMY CORSICA Quand une maîtresse virtuelle met la corde au cou du poète En neuf ans, “corsica_s” alias “tim kahn” a publié plus de 3000 sons sur la base de données collaborative environ 1300 d’entre eux sont des enregistrements de sa “girlfriend”, “amy gedgaudas” lisant les requêtes postées sur le forum du site. […]
I WROTE A BLUES TODAY The last romantics is what we are. And as we already were collaborating on a couple of songs, johnny invited us to his radio-show. We happily accepted his invitation. We are working on a sound influenced by the early folk esthetics, soaked with soft and mellow harmonies and iterative elements. […]
MUSIC HOLE Game Music – An homage to roaming and surprise. Music hole is a virtual space where users can wandering in the space without a defined goal. The built world is a composition of desertic space and islands of totemic music. As a player you have to find your way. You can meet and […]
CALLE RECORD The Calle Record project is the product of its creators’ interest in every kind of folk music and from their curiosity in the impact that urban landscapes have on sound together with the improvisation that these kinds of performances always include. A project by daniel kemeny and jonathan frigeri In residence in […]
LE PETIT BONBON AU CHOCOLAT Bread love and fantasy….but it depends … i will say 2 kilos of potatoes, boiled and then peeled and crushed 750g of flour to mix with the mashed potatoes and there is who officially adds 1/2 eggs to create the amalgam but sometimes i do without eggs and i am […]
BACCHETTE IMMAGINIFICHE (TOCCATA E FUGA) Bacchette immaginifiche is a series of interventions based on a proposition. The proposition being, the use of a long stick to reach out and play musical instruments trapped in public spaces. Once you have encounter the said instrument, the rule it is to reach out tentatively and attempt to play […]
MALLEUS MALEFICARUM The malleus maleficarum meaning “hammer of the witchesis” a treatise on the prosecution of witches, written in 1486. it has been reissued several times. In residence in Berlin between 6 and mai 13th 2013 lenght: 65 min language: deutsch, english, italiano, français tags: witch, occultism, spoken word, scream
THE INSECT INOX KAPELL TELLS US SOME STORYS AND FAIRY TAILS ABOUT SIX LEGS CREATURES This radio play is a symbiose out of scientific information, privat statement and crazy music about the insects, especially honey-bees that are dying and the future of the human been. Inox Kapell works as an entomologic artist, performer ans musician […]
MAUERSPECHTE HÖREN Well. The wall has gone a longtime ago. Almost forgotten, when suddently david hasselhof was singing again at eastide galery around 2 weeks ago. This made me think about this wall. Where was it? What is left ? Where was east & west? I came too late, so i havent seen it. I […]
RADIO AUTOBAHN FM Geneva-Berlin by car with two demis ton.he wanted to make a “road-movie without images”. I wanted to tell this trip using sounds. While i was driving, he was recording. While he was sleeping sick in berlin, i began to play a soundtrack. At the end we mixed up all this stuff with […]
DHRUVA HOVERING IN THE BERLIN SKY A sound exploration of the city. At different points of the city is sought interaction between the sound generated by electronic shrutibox and the acoustics of architecture and / or the every day life in the city. shruti box: is a small wooden instrument that traditionally works on a […]
ENGINEER – THERE IS A NINJA HERE.ZIP Sound collage made with dj’s audio archive and some interviews. In residence in Berlin between 28 and february 3rd 2013 lenght: 57’21 min language: english tags: sound collage, spoken word, music
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER The decision book – 50 models for strategic thinking When you are a teacher, a professor, a pilot or a top manager you will be confronted by the same questions time and again. how do i make the right decision? how can i motivate myself or my team? how can i change […]
WHEN YOU KICK A DOG, IT BARKS While reel to reel tape loops and fm transmitter/receiver copulations compete in feeding signals back to their sources visitors to the installation become the unwitting conductors of the noise produced. with open mikes in the subterranean space recording everything to the tape loops and open circuit transmitters sensitive […]
UNTITLED A sound travel in search of the perfect peace and place for the creation of a radio play. In residence in Berlin between 16 and december 23rd 2012 lenght: 31 min language: german, english, french, italian tags: field recording, music, spoken word
UN MOMENT PAS MAL An experimental audio documentary about moments of life. From dusk till dawn and from dawn till dusk. In residence in Berlin between 14 and november 21st 2012 lenght: 27’30 min language: french, some italian tags: field recording, music, spoken world, sound collage